(without relying on laxatives for life)

With 7 Gut Loving Foods Unlocked (pdf guide)


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Here's what you get

Discover which 7 gut loving foods

Plus the #1 food that you must give your child right now to ease constipation (that most parents NEVER give anymore)

Say goodbye to relying on medications

To control your child's constipation when you learn how to use natural and effective solutions.(also backed by science and research)

Learn how to break free from the cycle and build food positivity

Without cutting out foods to manage hard stools, so that you can restore your child’s gut with every day, nutritious and accessible foods.


Best thing we have done for our little girls constipation. We now know when to restart laxatives, if needed and the best way to wean her off. We basically feel like we are equipped with all the tools we need to help her and working with Bahee has really changed our lives for the better, since her constipation was literally taking over our lives.



Thank you so much for taking your time to help me with this issue, I was a bit stuck of what to do next. I am so grateful for your time and all of the amazing tips you have given me. Thank you so much for your support. I am seeing improvements in my son already!



I now feel more confident in treating my son's constipation. We have managed to come off movicol and my son has had a bowel movement everyday. The fact he is pooing without pain has stopped him from 'holding in' or straining and he has begun to show an interest in the potty again.


From working with Bahee my toddler hasn't taken laxatives for 3 weeks 🙌 she's much happier, she's drinking lots more than she used and she eats most meals I give her. It has literally changed our lives!


About Bahee

Fun facts about me. I an award winning dietitian and former Great Ormond Street Hospital trained dietititan.

I have authored and published five scientific articles in high ranking journals on renal and the ketogenic diet.

I have worked with iTV news, BBC News, Huffington Post, Independent, Telegraph, Times, Victoria Derbyshire Show and spoken at a number of international and national conferences.

I am also the host of my Kids Nutrition Podcast and mum to two young children.

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