(without fighting with your child at the table)

(without fighting with your child at the table)
You’ve tried introducing them to new things, but they’re stubbornly sticking to a limited range of foods – and it’s driving you and the rest of your family mad. The baby refuses to open their mouth or you are worried that toddlers and older kids might be lacking vital vitamins and minerals.
If this sounds familiar, you need my free Picky Eaters’ Guide.
I’m Bahee Van de Bor and I’ve worked with hundreds of parents take their children from being anxious, scared and close to giving up to becoming excited to try new foods.
The #1 activity that you must do right now to help your child get interested (that most parents NEVER do anymore)
That you can put into practice straight away (also backed by science and research)
Fun ways to get your child to try new foods (without fighting with your child at mealtimes)
Fun facts about me. I have authored and published three scientific articles in high ranking journals on renal and the ketogenic diet.
I have worked with iTV news, BBC News, Huffington Post, Independent, Telegraph, Times, Victoria Derbyshire Show and spoken at a number of international and national conferences.
I am also the host of my Kids Nutrition Podcast.
Your five tips will be delivered straight into your inbox when you enter your details.
Don’t get me wrong, it may not solve your child’s picky eating problems overnight. But, used consistently, these strategies will help – a lot.
Bahee Van de Bor is a registered paediatric dietitian. Book a 1-2-1 appointment with her if you need further help and advice.