Ever wondered about a secret superhero in your kitchen for your child’s tummy troubles?
Today we are covering – are green beans low FODMAP?
Green beans are a top-tier choice for children’s gut health.
They aren’t just low FODMAP; they’re nutritional powerhouses and gut-friendly.
Green beans are packed with vitamins and minerals, which can help to positively shape your child’s overall gut health.
Ready to uncover how green beans can be the superheroes for taste buds and tummies?
Keep reading!

Are Green Beans Low FODMAP?
First things first, let’s shine a light on FODMAPs.
FODMAPs, a group of carbohydrates are tiny mischief-makers that can stir up distress in sensitive tummies.
The good news?
But here’s the fantastic news: green beans are often the heroes in the FODMAP world, being low FODMAP even in generous portions.
As a paediatric dietitian, I encourage you to embrace these little green wonders as FODMAP friendly goodies when planning your family’s weekly menu.
What are FODMAPs?
FODMAPs – those Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides, and Polyols – can be real troublemakers for bowel function.
While a strict low FODMAP diet for children isn’t fully backed by evidence, a trial of the modified approach with a registered paediatric dietitian can help pinpoint what works for your child.
This is especially true for children dealing with IBS-related challenges such as IBS diarrhoea or constipation.

What’s the Right Low FODMAP Serving Size for Green Beans?
Thanks to the team at Monash University, leaders in FODMAP research, we know that a low FODMAP serving of green beans is about 75 grams.
It’s a balancing act: enough to reap those health benefits without upsetting sensitive tummies.
Are Green Beans High FODMAP?
Different types of green beans may have varying FODMAP profiles.
The good news is that a generous portion of green beans fall within the low FODMAP category.
Please note that a moderate FODMAP serving of green beans is a source of sorbitol.
The larger FODMAP serving size provides both sorbitol and mannitol.
Green beans only need to be limited if you know that your child is sensitive to either of these food groups.
Table: Serving Sizes of Green Beans for FODMAP Levels
FODMAP Level | Serving Size |
Low FODMAP | 75g |
Moderate FODMAP | 120g |
High FODMAP | 180g |
Emphasising that children are unlikely to overindulge in green beans, the good news remains: these nutritious vegetables can be a delightful addition to their diet, even if tummy troubles persist.
Green String Beans
Classic green string beans, a staple in many households, are celebrated in the Low FODMAP Diet as they are generally considered low FODMAP.
As a registered dietitian specialising in children with IBS, I recommend embracing this variety and relishing the nutritional benefits it brings.
Just remember to stick to the recommended 75g serving size.
This ensures a harmonious balance between tummy discomfort and feeding your child nutritious foods for good gut health.
Asian Green Beans
Venturing into the diverse world of green beans, let’s discuss the unique flavours of Asian green beans.
Although Monash University has not specifically analysed the Asian variety for its FODMAP levels, we can assume that it happily aligns with the low FODMAP criteria.
This is good news if you are looking to include traditional foods in your child’s diet or simply want to add variety to their diet.
Either way, I encourage you to include green beans in your child’s diet within the boundaries of the recommended serving size.

Are Canned Green Beans Low FODMAP?
If you are juggling a busy schedule, canned green beans can be a convenient option.
Once again, there is no specific FODMAP analysis for green beans.
However, as children are unlikely to eat more than 75g in one sitting, the limit of 75g for a low FODMAP serving size allows for their inclusion in your child’s modified FODMAP diet.
Are Yellow String Beans Low FODMAP?
The vibrant yellow string beans, a delightful alternative, maintain their status as low FODMAP.
Diversifying your child’s plate with these colourful options is not only visually appealing but also a win for their gut health.
Emphasising moderation in consumption, guided by the paediatric dietitian’s recommended serving size, is key.
Are Green Beans Good for IBS? A Big Yes!
So, are green beans more than just low FODMAP?
Can they help in managing IBS?
Absolutely! They’re not just veggies; they’re nutritional champions, offering fibre an excellent source of dietary fibre.
Fibre is an essential ingredient for fostering a healthy digestive system.
Green beans are also nutritional powerhouses providing a range of vitamins that are crucial for a happy, healthy gut.

Health Benefits of Green Beans In a Child’s Diet
In the challenging journey of a modified FODMAP diet for kids, green beans can be a beacon of hope.
They’re great for immune health, vision, skin health, and, of course, maintaining digestive harmony.
- Rich in vitamin C: important for helping children maintain good immune systems and preventing scurvy
- Source of vitamin A (beta-carotene): Packed with essential vitamins like vitamin A, the National Health System in the UK (NHS) says it is important for children to get enough of this vitamin. Vitamin A helps shape children’s immune system. It can also help their vision at night and with skin health.
- Fibre for Digestive Harmony: The fibre content in green beans acts as a gentle supporter for your child’s digestive system. It can potentially ease common concerns like constipation and toddler diarrhoea.
- Potassium: this important mineral plays a role in regulating blood pressure
Making Green Beans Irresistible and Safe for Tummies
Let’s make cooking green beans fun and safe for sensitive tummies, where green beans become not just a healthy option but a tasty adventure for picky eaters.
1. Pick Tummy-Friendly Cooking Oils:
Use tummy-friendly oils like olive oil and rapeseed oil for flavour and health benefits.
2. Cooking Magic:
Opt for gentle cooking methods like steaming or stir-frying over gentle heat, to preserve their nutritional value.
3. Add Some Flavour Fun:
Add a dash of low FODMAP flavours such as herbs and spices. Chives, garlic-infused oil (minus the bits), or a sprinkle of oregano can turn this vegetable into a culinary masterpiece.
4. Perfect Portion Sizes:
The perfect portion size is key – up to 75g should do the trick.
5. Food Friends for Green Beans:
Green beans love company! Pair them with kid-friendly proteins like chicken or tofu, and add some complementary low FODMAP veggies.
By following these culinary guidelines, green beans can become the heroes of your child’s meals, approved by a paediatric dietitian for both nutritional value and digestive comfort.
Remember, the journey of feeding your child isn’t just about sustenance – it’s about turning every meal into a joyous adventure.

Q1: Can I use olive oil in low FODMAP recipes with green beans?
Absolutely! It’s tasty and tummy-safe.
Olive oil is not only a tasty option but also a low FODMAP one, making it a paediatric dietitian-approved choice for cooking green beans.
You can stir-fry green beans with olive oil and it will be ready in 5-7 minutes!
Q2: Are nuts considered low FODMAP foods?
Some are, but it’s best to check with a dietitian for the right quantities.
Q3: Can I include green beans in a gluten-free and FODMAP-friendly diet?
Yes, they’re perfect for it! They make a great addition to a FODMAP-friendly meal, offering both health benefits and dietary inclusivity for growing children.
Q4: What are some simple low FODMAP recipes that include green beans?
Many delicious recipes include green beans and adhere to low FODMAP guidelines. You can try steaming green beans with a dash of garlic-infused oil and serve warm as a side dish.
Q5: Are there any nuts that are low in FODMAPs that I can pair with green beans in a recipe?
Yes, nuts like peanuts, walnuts or pecans are low in FODMAPs and can be added to green bean dishes. For nuts like cashew nuts be mindful of the serving size to keep the dish FODMAP-friendly.
Q6: Is it necessary to stick to the recommended serving size for green beans in a low FODMap diet trial?
For children diagnosed with IBS and trying the low FODMAP diet, yes, it’s important to adhere to the recommended serving size. This ensures that the meals and snacks remain low in FODMAPs and are suitable for a sensitive digestive system.

So, are green beans low FODMAP? Definitely. They’re a fantastic choice, especially for kids with IBS.
Remember, moderation is key, and it’s always best to work with a registered IBS trained paediatric dietitian.
If you’re curious about whether green beans suit your child, why not join us at the Happy Belly Club?
My IBS Kids Mastery Method is here to help you and your little one on this journey to better gut health!

Let Me Help
If your child is battling constipation, bloating, or tummy pain, the Happy Belly Formula can help.
Join our 1-2-1 Happy Belly Club or book a discovery call to learn more about our program tailored to support your child’s journey to better gut health and well-being.
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