Citrus deliciousness finished with creamy goodness. Heaven. Quick and easy kid friendly recipe that’s perfect for the family, yet good enough for weekend dining with friends. Dining with friends and children can truly be effortless and healthy when you have tasty recipes such as these up your sleeve. Lemongrass is sensational with chicken. This is delicious dining that is also milk, egg and wheat / gluten free when served with Basmati rice.
We enjoyed the salad as a starter but I do recommend combining the sweet mango and creamy avocado salad with the main. The mix of citrus and savoury flavours with the sweetness from fruit such as mango are absolutely divine. Fresh, zesty and healthy. Good enough to share with any health foodie guests who drop in unannounced.

Serving with Basmati is a great choice as these long grains mop up any sauce from the dish. Kids love rice too. It’s an easy almost ‘bland’ flavour that even the selective eaters can grow to tolerate over time with lots of encouragement. Basmati is also thought to be a low to medium glycaemic index food, meaning that the energy from it’s starch is release slowly into your blood. This is good news if you want to avoid the ‘yo yo’ effect and unwanted spikes in blood sugars from high glycaemic index such as sweets. Exactly what we want for busy kids with hungry bellies.
Chicken thigh & breast, 700g cut into pieces
Red onions, 2 chopped well
Fat garlic, 3 cloves minced
Lemongrass, 2 stalks finely chopped
Light soy sauce (gluten/wheat free if required), 3 tablespoons
Brown sugar, 2-3 teaspoons
Vegetable oil, 3 tablespoons
Mangoes, 2 ripe whole fruit
Avocado, 2 ripe fruit
Red onion, 1/2 finely chopped
Balsamic vinegar, 1 tablespoon
Olive oil, 2 tablespoons
Salt & pepper to taste
Lemongrass Chicken
Prepare the marinade by tossing the garlic, lemongrass and 1 tablespoon of oil and coat the chicken pieces evenly. Allow to marinade for 30 minutes or overnight for optimum burst in flavour.
Next heat a heavy saucepan and add 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil of choice such as sunflower, rapeseed or maize. Once the oil is hot, add the red onions and reduce the heat to low. When the onions start to caramelise, add the minced garlic.
Mix the light soy sauce with equal part of water and stir in the sugar. Set aside.
Add the chicken to the red onion mix and cook until all the chicken pieces have browned well.
Mango & Avocado Salad
Cut the mango and avocado into pieces and add to a serving bowl. Add red red onions and mix well. Prepare the dressing by whisking together the balsamic vinegar with the olive oil and any seasoning you wish. Toss this through the salad and you are good to go.
This recipe fed five hungry adults and two kids.
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